Saturday, September 26, 2009

Charity Slippers Update

Charity Crocheted Slippers

I kept moving my slipper project out of the way to start something different for the last few months. I finally had about an hour last night and decided to pick them up and try to complete them. Man, these slippers were so fast and easy that I’m not sure why I put them off for so long. Oh well, they’re done and ready to add to the charity stash. I haven’t tried sliding on the floor yet, but I think the Lion Brand Suede yarn will keep them from being so slick. Now, I’m going to have to make another pair for me. Oh darn, now I have to go to the store to pick out some yarn just for my slippers. Ha! Ha!

Does anybody else put things off, and then, once you get back into the project, and it’s finished, you wonder why didn’t you do that sooner? That’s me almost all the time.