Thursday, September 10, 2009

Striped Afghan, Pillows, and Bunny

Striped Afghan

I found this pattern in my Crochet Today a couple of years ago and set out to find just the right yarn. The pattern called for different novelty yarns and fuzzy yarns. Well, since I always want to make it my own, I found this Lion Brand Cotton-Ease yarn that I thought would look cool in the afghan. When I came home and started the afghan, I found that I really liked working with the yarn and decided to continue to make the afghan with it even through I knew I didn’t purchase enough yarn for a full-size afghan. So it was back to the store to purchase more yarn, and, of course, I bought too much.

Then, when I started crocheting the colors on top of each other, I realized that I didn’t like it so much. I decided that it needed more contrast and thought that brown would look good between the colors. That meant another trip to the store where to my dismay the Cotton-Ease didn’t have a dark enough brown to satisfy me, so I found a cotton dishcloth yarn that had a dark brown.

At the time, that’s the only cotton yarn that came in brown. Now we have more choices. Thank goodness a lot of the yarn companies are now doing a dark contrasting color in their groups. I placed the brown between each color and voila! That was just the thing to make all the colors pop. I made the afghan big enough to cover me and still had quite a bit of yarn left over.


I made up patterns for a square and two circle pillows, and there was still yarn left. I placed it in my stash for a rainy day or until just the right pattern came along.


Well, the right pattern came along, and the rest of the yarn became this "adorkable" bunny that all my son’s friends love. I know as soon as I can get to the bottom of my craft room, I’m going to find just a little bit more of this yarn that will need to become something else. Stay tuned for that.