Friday, September 4, 2009

Free Pattern Friday: Perky Posy Pillow Crochet Pattern


For this week's Free Pattern Friday, I decided to share this Perky Posy Pillow Crochet Pattern.

Pillow Picture 1

Again, I had one skein of stash yarn that I couldn’t pass up in the store. It’s a blend of wool and polyester, and I loved the texture and the color when I used it in this pillow pattern. I really loved how the simple stitches of singles and doubles side-by-side and repeated over and over made the finished fabric look. Of course, since I only had one skein of the yarn that meant I could either get another skein or figure something else out. And you know me, I went for the figuring something else out. I thought about just making a fabric pillow and sewing the crocheted piece onto the front of it…

Pillow Picture 2

…but NO, I had this cool looking striped sweater that had some wool and acrylic in it, and YES, I cut it up and hand sewed the crochet piece onto the knitted sweater…


…then, of course, the flowers became a neat project all by themselves. Since I couldn’t seem to stop with just the crocheted flowers, I had to add some velvet leaves from an old hat, two of these really cool netted flowers (I was told they were made out of pantyhose), and some vintage stamens in the center of the crocheted flowers. After all of that, I still couldn’t stop because I wanted to be able to remove the flowers when the pillow needed to be laundered…

Button Loops Buttons

…so, I added the button loops and buttons and a full fabric pillow insert. For the ruffle on my pillow, I held three strands of mercerized cotton together, which made the ruffle smaller and just a little funkier like me. This is one of my favorite pieces. My husband’s reaction was, “This is for decoration only, right?” In other words, he isn’t supposed to put his head on it. Isn’t he so smart?