Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Kindergarten Shawl

Kindergarten Shawl 1

A few strands of the striped afghan yarn went into this cool shawl. I have to confess something. I have knitted a handful of things. (Shhh, don’t tell any of my crochet friends!) The pattern I used for this was created by my friend Cass Carson (isn’t that the coolest name?). She created this shawl pattern by holding two and three strands of scrap yarns together on large circular needles. She named it the Kindergarten Shawl because as she says, “even a kindergartner could make it”. The colors were hard for me to choose, but Cass told me to bring all of my scrap yarns into the LYS, and she would help me. I brought all of my leftover yarns and spilled them out on the table, and we all laughed because they were all pastel colors that I love.

My Scrap Yarn

Since I didn’t have any novelty yarn, Cass brought some of hers and shared. She helped me start a ball of yarn that was a never-ending ball with all of the fuzzy cool colors that I love. This would start to get hard for me, and Cass would just say, “If choosing the colors becomes too hard, you’re thinking about it too much,” and she was right. Once I started relaxing and just picking up whatever colors my hand would grab, it was so much easier. The fun thing about the shawl is you never had to worry about tucking any ends in.

Cass and Her Son

This is a picture of Cass and her adorable son Josh.

Cass Shawl

This is Cass’s Shawl, and these are some of her favorite colors of yarn. Her sister made one also. It was so much fun seeing everyone’s yarn become shawls because their yarns looked like them because they were all the colors that they always use.

Cass Bag

Cass also makes these really cool bags out of wool sweaters that she felts, lines with fabric, and embellishes with really cool buttons. She sells them in the LYS (Twist) here in Wichita. She used to sell them on Etsy, but she couldn’t keep up with the demand and had to stop selling them there.

Thank you Cass for helping me with my Kindergarten shawl.