Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday, 3/8/10 Looms and an Angel

Surprise Package

I received this surprise at my door this week. Is that the loom that makes those unknown loomy things that I can’t resist buying every time I see them? Yes, it is, and there is more than one size of loom in the box. These are called Love and Money Looms, and one of my friends (let’s just call her Angel), somehow she got them to me, and I’m grateful. Let’s just say, she is one of the most caring and generous people I have come to know. She gives of her time everyday, never asks anything in return, and she makes me smile and cry at the same time.

Love and Money Looms

Now, please forgive me for walking away from some of my crochet projects while I dig in my stash to find just the right yarn and figure out how to use my new looms. Be back soon.