When I decided I wanted to take up crochet again (29 years ago), I went to my mom’s house. I asked her if she had any books or thread that she wasn’t using. Being a good mom, she said, “Yes, and, by the way, here are a few doilies I started and just didn’t want to finish.” I started with the round one and then moved on to the oval one. My mom was smart in giving me those UFO’s so that I could try thread crochet before I went out and spent a lot of money on thread and hooks without knowing if I liked it or not. The doily is not perfect, but it was an experience that I won’t soon forget. With wrapping your thread around a tiny steel crochet hook like 8 or 9 times? I thought I would never finish it, but I kept at it and did finish it. It seemed like I couldn’t get enough of thread crochet.

The oval doily was a little more difficult, but it was fun once I figured out where I kept making my mistake, and I’ve made several of these out of size 10 and 20 thread. It’s called a “wheat doily”.
My mom knew how much fun I was having with it and ordered me a subscription to Magic Crochet. I loved the books and would try and complete at least one of each doily that was in the book before the next one would arrive. I miss Magic Crochet and wonder if anyone else misses it also? Thanks Mom for getting me hooked on crochet thread.