Thursday, July 9, 2009

Planning a Retreat

As I have said before, it’s my responsibility as president of KS My Stitch crochet guild to organize outside activities, and the next thing up is our Second Annual KS My Stitch Retreat. First thing I have to do is find a place to have it, and since Jinna said that we could have it at her cabin, I decided that we needed to make a little trip to check it out. Jinna’s sister Donna is here visiting her for three weeks, so she came along.

My Haul from Planning Retreat Trip

Before I arrived at the place we were to meet up, I stopped by the second hand store and found a clothes hamper, skirt (that will become the cover for the hamper, photos later), and a unique old hanger. Of course, we had to make another stop before we came to the cabin. Along the way, there is a quilt shop out in the middle of nowhere. It’s called “Needle in a Haystack”, and their sign is on the side of an old silo, and the quilt shop is in an old house. We found lots of really pretty fabric, but we found some treasures, too. They have local artists that sell their crafts in the shop, like creams, lotions, soaps, spices, and lots of crocheted items. There were also some antiques. Well, there were some stoneware bowls that couldn’t stay there and had to come home with me and a bar of soap that smelled so good I couldn’t leave it either. Jinna found some antique buttons and some yarn that she had to add to her stash. Then, it was off to the cabin, which we decided will hold ten people during the day and seven people for the night.

My Tacos

Everybody liked my tacos so much during the last retreat that I will be making my famous tacos, rice, chips and homemade salsa for our retreat lunch. We will have two class activities, and then a dinner of hamburgers and hotdogs. We'll have a movie that night; then, in the morning, we will help Jinna clean up the cabin and head home. Nearby, there is a little town called Beaumont with an historic hotel and cafe which has an airplane landing strip right next to it that pilots use to fly in just eat at the cafe. We will be stopping there for breakfast that morning. It should be lots of fun.

First Annual KS My Stitch Retreat

Do you think I could’ve taken my camera out and recorded this trip? I had it in my bag but never took it out. This is a picture of last year’s evening meal. We held the retreat at Sheri’s and had a wonderful time.

What a fun thing to do on the weekend; spend a day at the lake with crochet, friends, food, and laughter. I will let you know how it turns out, and I won’t forget to take pictures.