Monday, August 10, 2009

Busy Saturday

Last Saturday wasn’t much different than the past Saturdays except I had to fit a few more things in than the normal everyday things. At the top of the list is crochet, and the bottom of the list is my ironing again.

This was the Saturday Itinerary:
Walk with Rosina
Make Tacos and Rice
Officers Meeting (Taco Lunch at My House)
My Son’s Play

It sounds like a piece of cake right? Wrong! When I started cooking the taco meat, I decided I would dress one end of the table with some of my Mexican linens and make it look more authentic for our luncheon officers meeting. So I was off in another direction again.

Mexican Linens

These are the things that actually happened:
Crochet (Early Morning Hours)
Walk with Rosina
Farmer’s Market for Tomatoes, Jalapenos, and Pie made with Splenda
Officers Meeting over Lunch with Rosina (Wendy couldn’t attend.)

Table Linenes

This is what the table looked like.

More rice cooking
Son’s Play

Tomorrow will consist of blog writing and ironing. Tell me all about your busy weekends.