Monday, August 31, 2009

My Mom: The Embroidery Queen

Tea Towels

I’m sure I mentioned once or twice that my mom embroiders. This is one of the first things she taught my sister and I to do, and it is still one of my favorite things to do. But I don’t think I mentioned that she embroiders whole sets of tea towels for family and friends. I think she even has a set of seven tea towels set aside for the next generation of family members, too. She has given a set of them to all of her children and grandchildren.

Redwork Apron

Since I like to cook and always wear an apron when I cook, my mom decided to make me a set of four tea towels along with an apron. I love the way the little girls in the scene are always sitting together, just like sisters or friends. She made my sister a set of tea towels, and since we know we will never use them, my sister decided to make a quilt out of them. I just love how the quilt looks, the way she sashed it with different colors, and how she had my mom sign each towel. Next time my mom is over, I’m going to get her to sign mine, too. Does anyone else out there wear aprons to cook in? Does anyone else cook anymore?

My First Embroidered Piece

Here is a picture of the first dresser scarf that I embroidered. Before I knew how to poke-hole-in-it, I would take all of my dresser scarves to my mom to edge. This was one of them that she added an edging to. Tell me what things you first made.

Cherished Redwork

Embroidered Monograms

Sunbonnet Sue

If you like this kind of traditional embroidery, I found some really neat pattern books (see above) that you might want to check out: Cherished Redwork for Baby, Embroidered Monograms and More, and The Sunbonnet Sue Primer.