Thursday, August 13, 2009


I love doilies. I don’t think I’m the only one out there that does though. I collect them when I can find them and the more elaborate they are the better. The other day when I walked into the cabin for our retreat, my eyes landed on this beautiful doily.

Jinna’s Doily

Jinna found this doily at a garage sale and could hardly get the 50 cents out of her purse and into those young ladies' hands fast enough--she was so afraid they would change their minds. I’m sure these young ladies didn’t have any idea how long these things take to make and how much work goes into them. Oh well, more for us doily collectors to have.

My Collection

Some of these doilies I have bought, and some of them I have made. I especially like the colorful ones. I think they add that little something that a room needs. Tell me about your doily collections.